Mike Raeini
2 min readApr 2, 2021


The Tree of Knowledge

Knowledge is Power. Be Powerful by being Knowledgeable!

Here is the today’s branch on the Tree of Knowledge:

You might know that the “Godfathers of AI and Deep Learning” got the Alan M. Turing Award of 2018 for their breakthrough works on deep learning [ref].

If you start from the deep learning page on Wikipedia, chances are that you might be directed to the Wikipedia page on Alan M. Turing Award Winners.

Then, if you become curious about the winners in year 2007 and use Google to search for “2007 Turing Award Winners”, chances are that you click on a link provided by American Mathematical Society (AMS) at link. In the page at AMS, a novel, called “Measuring the World”, has been introduced, which is about the great mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss. For those who are interested, the 2007 Turing Award was awarded to three researchers for their novel works on “model checking”.

Then again, if you use Google to search for “Measuring the World” and refer to the Wikipedia page on “Measuring the World”, you will see that this novel has been a bestseller book. More interestingly, you might see that a movie with the same name has also been produced in 2012. In fact, you are recommended a movie (Measuring the World) that you might enjoy watching…

That was the today’s branch on the Tree of Knowledge. How tick (powerful or influential) this branch is and how much more it can grow is something that I will try to write more on that.

The Tree of Knowledge can potentially provide us with a very powerful Knowledge Recommendation System!

Knowledge is Power. Be Powerful by being Knowledgeable!

References (recommended to be read):


